Monday, July 12, 2004


feeling a little out of it today. not feeling too motivated in terms of work. but i will be focused today and take care of the things i need to. gonna not try and not get involved with the other bs that goes on here. just gonna take care of buisness. brought in my new dwele cd to help the day go by. today its just me, "coach" and "vinny". i'll call him vinny that for now cuz he comes across like the muscle in some mobster movie. enuff for now, got some printers to migrate from one server to another.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

clothes, and games, and electronics...oh my!!!

no work talk today. picked up dwele's new album. he's an artist i know not too many people have heard of. well, maybe more than i think but he's not getting alot of air play here. i like him, he may be a little to mellow for some people but i'm diggin him. its the kinda album you wanna listen to when you're chillin at home and just trying to cool out from a hectic day. i'm just glad to have some new music, also got usher's new one. i like that too, i really like that song "throwback", he's matured and you can hear it on this album.
also checked up some new gadgets i'm looking into getting. it was funny, i haven't shopped for ANYTHING in a long time (besides food shopping), and i was like a kid in a candy store. all the new sneakers out, clothes, new electronics, games, etc. anyway i looked at some palm pilots cuz i'm actually thinking about getting one. but i'd want to use the heck out of it if i'm gonna put money into it. looked at some cd burners too. those are pretty cheap, altho i'd rather get an external one and those are a little more pricey. especially for my wallet right now. and i saw a really nice bench and weights set a good price, but all in due time. and this place my not be where i'll be for much longer and we're fortunate to have such a large place. if we knew we were staying i'd get it.
anyway its a nice day out and i don't wanna stay in front of this 'puter, as easy as it would be to do. i think this blog is ready to become public. i'll put up the comments, make it public and see what happens. if not i could keep it private i guess and journal that way. we'll see. gonna clean up the apt, which needs to be done in a bad way and then go visit some fam.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

feeling a little better

feeling a little less violent today. heh. i got pretty upset by the end of the day yesterday. i actually had a few beers with "coach" and the new tech lead at the bar across the street after work. "Coach", is the cow that was driving me nuts yesterday. me and another cow gave him that nickname to kinda ease the stress and frustration of him always trying to tell us how to handle issues. we actually get a good laugh outta that one. anyway we had a coupla drinks and he brought up something about work that set me off and by the time i was leaving for home (we were there less than an hour) i was dropping the F bomb and basically saying f**k everybody. i had to remind a driver of the pedistrian right of way rules, i.e., when we're in between the BIG YELLOW LINES, you're supposed to stop and let us cross. i said something to him w/o even realizing that i had said it to him and his response was "ahh whatever". and its a good thing i was talking to my sis on my cell at the time or it coulda got real ugly since i was already heated. we were in our site's parking lot, so he had no excuse, its not like we were out in the street. but anyway the nite kinda got worse, it was just a bad day overall.
i missed my commuter rail train cuz we waited a half hour for the subway train to get to us. we being me and coach. and i pretty much blasted off about our so-called "team lead" and his approach with us and just how things go here till we went our seperate ways. i didn't end up getting home till just about 9:30, TWO hours later than normal. M called me while i was stewing about missing my train and we made arrangements for her to pick me up at another station and to call her when i was halfway there. well my cellphone died before i could call her and i didn't have any money on me so i had to call my sis collect and she put us on 3 way calling and called M and let her know i was at the station. i had to wait another half hour for her to come and get me. by the time M picked me up i was numb with anger and frustration. we'd spoken earlier in the day and i was pretty upset when we spoke about how coach was driving me nuts. then missing my train just added to it. so it was just a bad day. by the time she got to me i barely even wanted to speak, and i definetly didn't want to talk about the events of the day any more.
but i have real life concerns outside of work and so the bullshit that goes on at work has to be put in its place, at least that's the attitude for today. i feel kinda bad for getting so heated yesterday but at the same time i had to let off some steam. as for the attitude today, its just let me do my job, don't harass me about anything. you do your thing and i'll do mine. you do and i'll do me. i'm gonna cya (cover my ass) with everything i do here so no one can point any fingers at me about anything. i'll over do it if necessary. so far the day is going much better and i'm trying to have a better attitude, which i usually have. they just drive you crazy here sometimes. later

listening to :soulstar
by musiqsoulchild

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

i wanna strangle him!

one of my co-workers is driving me crazy. and from now on i'll be referring to co-workers as cow's. learned that abbreviation from a friend in cali and i like it. i wanna smack this dude. he thinks he is in charge and he is micro-managing. and i'm real close to tellin him to back off. he's the technical lead here, but thats it. but he keeps asking if we've checked on "tickets". we use a call tracking system to handle any problems or issues that come in and we call them tickets. and everytime he leaves the office and comes back he's asking if we've checked the queue...actually he doesn't ask. he's telling us to, assuming we haven't or he's telling us to take tickets as they come in. and its buggin me to no end. i had to tell him about himself a few weeks back so he could come back to reality and he told me he appreciated me letting him know and he apologized and said he just gets caught up in getting the work done and doesn't want to hear it from management. he's abbrasive and tries to take this "i'm in charge" posture. management telling him that's he's the tech lead was the worse thing they coulda done with his ego. and they should have known better, they've had problems with him and this same attitude before. and he's a know it all on top of it and always wants to tell you what he would do in a situation. you don't have to ask him either, he'll just tell you. "what i'd do is...." sometimes i wanna say "i don't wann know what you would do and nobody asked you what you'd do". his heart is in the right place most of the time, but he's a big worry wart and worries about things before they happen. and its driving me and another cow nuts!!! and i've already told the other cow if he says one more thing to me about checking the queue for tickets i'm gonna tell him about it. eeesh!! and he'll be losing the position soon, cuz a guy that worked here before will be taking it and i can't wait. i'm tired of his mouth. that's enough of a rant for now, i'm gonna go out and enjoy the weather for a bit.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

new template

i put up my new template and it still needs some more tweaking. gotta work on the archives page next. horray!! (that was sarcastic), but that's enuff for now, gotta head out, got a train to catch!

new look

i spent a good portion of the day creating a new look for this blog. it kinda came along as i worked on it and i'm very pleased with it. i don't usually create templates, but i started learning css before it became as big as it is now. i didn't think it would be as big as it is now although, i liked what you could do with it. i created a page using css back in like 99-2000 just to get a feel of how it works, (i should kept up with it). anyway, i will post it tomorrow.

i was just about to go to bed and "say yes" by floetry came on, had to listen to it. love that song. that's one album i'd like to get, among a few others. being able to listen to music on the internet has its huge advantages. if you use launch on yahoo you get to rate artist and the more you rate the more they play the kinda music you like and artists you really like. so i've been able to preview a few albums that caught my ear and as soon as the funds start to look a little better i will work in getting some new music. buying music online is another option but i'm still not big on purchasing things online, even though i know there are lots of other ways people can get that info. alright i need to get to bed, getting up in a few hours.

Sunday, July 04, 2004


its almost 11 a.m. and i'm bored, i was up till 4 working on this page. well another version, i think i wanna change the colors a little. thats not totally honest, i was working on this then got into some surfing for awhile, then went to miniclip to play some chain reactor. i actually did pretty good. and ended up working on the page some more. i was up so late cuz i took a nap after swimming with M at a friend of hers. they were having a double anniversary cookout/pool party. well, people could swim in the pool. i wasn't in the best of moods but the rum and coke and swimming helped change that. and the free food of course! but i'm a little bored and not sure what today holds. yesterday was actually kinda busy. took my niece to the airport, that entailed a few hours, then went to the cookout, went home and napped for a coupla hours, got up and went to one of the train stations with my sis to go get my bro., came home and went out to grab some wendy's (ugh, that's all that was open, it was after 11 pm) and came home and watched a little snl, then ended up on the computer till 4. and i was up by 9:30. the napping threw me off. anyway was surfing some blogs and found this
gi joe
You're GI Joe with the Kung Fu Grip!! You're
strong, tough, and know how to kick some ass.
Don't forget though, no matter how manly you
think you are, you're still just a doll. God
Bless America.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

who knew? we should be doing some more swimming today, got invited back yesterday. and they'll probably be some more family time since my bro and dad are in town. we'll see how the day goes....