Tuesday, September 25, 2007


why do we resist God? better yet, why as believers do we resist? why do we "return to our vomit"? (As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. -proverbs 26:11). i hate this law that works inside me...(So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. - romans 7:21)

Monday, September 24, 2007


once again i've been encouraged when least expecting it. Granny B left a comment that encourages me to keep pressing on with expressing myself through this blog. and i went to visit her site today and her post titled "You are Worthy" was something i needed to read today. been feelin' pretty defeated lately. and it so happens to go along with today's verse of the day which is: " 35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. 36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." - Hebrews 10:35-36 thanks again for stopping by.

last week was a pretty stressful week for me. mostly work stress, printers going down, a pc getting a virus (and the pc belongs to a needy doc), more printers going down. i also had a unpleasant experience at bball and that had me all fired up. someone had something to say and i didn't like how it was done and it just took all the air outta my sails, as well as making me very angry. i was so overwhelmed by thursday, i was trying to mentally process too much information at one time and it got to me. the printer issues had been resolved by the end of the day thursday, by almost the end of the day on friday i was able to resolve the virus issue, and on saturday morning i talked to the guy who's approach i didn't appreciate at bball and was feeling better by the end of the day. we made it out to church on sunday, and it was good to be there and be around other believers. we'll be starting a new 40 day program at the church in Oct. called Rendevous, where we'll be meeting in small groups doing a study on having a more intimate relationship with Christ. i signed us up for it and i'm looking forward to it. i still plan on getting together with the pastor for personal studies, just have to work out the where and when.

i'm hoping for a less stressed week this week. i'm also hoping to get some things organized. we have so much to organize, just finding where to start is tough. my wife works nights, three 12 hour shifts a week, and they're not always the same night. that makes getting things done around the house tough. i work days five days a week, she's almost 6 months pregnant, throw in a very very active 2 and 1/2 yr old and BAM, the apartment you just cleaned is a mess...a day and a half later! i'm working on it though, we both are.

well, i've survived another day at work, gonna be heading soon. i'm working on putting some new songs on the radio blog. i recently made a mix for my sis and i'm going to put that up. this is a cd meant to encourage her and it's a praise and worship theme. i believe she can really use the encouragement right now, she's been going through some financial difficulty. i should be back soon to blog some more, possibly tonight, but it's doubtful. after i put the little man to bed, it should be time for the season premiere of Heroes on NBC!!! ok, off to catch my train.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

it's been a minute...or two

sorry i haven't updated recently (to my legions of readers lolol). to be honest i haven't felt much like blogging and so much has been going on. on the good news front...we're having a baby!! my wife is now 5 months pregnant and of course we're very excited!! we've been keepin' it kinda hush hush, cuz in nov of 06 she had an ectopic pregnancy and it was rough on her and we were pretty nervous about how this pregnancy was gonna go. BUT, we had faith that whatever way it went, it was in God's hands and we know that we had to trust Him. she has been very sick during this pregnancy, for the entire 5 months! whew!! throw in some raging hormones and one can imagine that things have been a little rough. Also, due to her age, blood tests were being done for Downs Syndrome, but the labs and dr. offices were sending the blood draws to the wrong places, or doing the wrong tests, so it's been a little stressful. we even changed OB's in the beginning cuz they couldn't handle what they called "high risk", but we still had to deal with that office since they did the blood draws. this time around things have been much different from when we had our first child. she didn't have any morning sickness then, no nasaue, no heartburn, nothin', nada. she's been experiencing all of that and more with this one, but she's been feeling much better since sunday. we're having a boy by the way.

i guess you can say as usual i've been struggling. struggling with obedience, consistency in my walk, faithfulness. i haven't started my study with my pastor yet, actually haven't spoken to him since early in the summer. mostly due to the summer schedule and we figured once the summer was over we'd have a better grip on our schedules. but i think i'd like to have someone to study with, chop it up with besides the pastor, maybe someone closer to my age. i dunno. i've been reading alot of "debates" on a site, mostly around calvinism and frankly i'm tired of the debates. and to some degree i have a problem with debating over theology. probably because i've seen it turn into personal attacks and i don't think that was what the bible was written for. i understand the need to contend for the truth, but the personal attacks is what bothers me the most, as well as the tone of some of the posters. it's demeaning and just doesn't come across as Christ-like, and please don't come at me debating the meaning of love and saying things with love. there is an obvious difference between how some people express things and it's just not done with love. also, claiming that Christ spoke to so and so in this manner doesn't excuse how someone else expresses themselves and/or presents the scriptures.

anyway, i think my other name is "Isreal" - struggles with God. i think on some levels that's why i don't post often. i feel like, who'd wanna read this?? "does this guy ever feel good about his relationship with God??" "this is depressing" "he needs to stop talkin about it and be about it". well, anyway, i'll be trying to post more often. i'm going to try and post just about happenings in my life in general, things i'm observing and of course this spiritual struggle. man, sometimes it really feels like a battle!!

God is still working on me though and i know He's been putting people in my path (believers) at work. We talk from time to time about the Christian walk and/or scripture and what we've learned from it. i'm still making mix cd's for Christians and non Christians to encourage them and just to show there's an alternative to listen to and it's God glorifying. Funny....i don't even listen to the radio anymore and don't keep up with what's going on. Ever since getting introduced to The Crossmovement in '02....i think that's when i found out about them. anyway, i'm hoping that someone may end up feeling the same way about secular music and turn from it to listen to music that talks about our Creator after hearing a mix cd or two that i give them. ok, gotta get back to work. Special shout out to Godzheart! thanks for keeping up and commenting, just when i'm thinking about giving up on this blogging thing, you leave a comment and it's mad encouraging. God bless you!!