Tuesday, November 29, 2005


feeling blah today. lots of things on my mind. i don't feel as concerned as i have in the past but its hard to keep worries at bay. its funny how sometimes i don't wanna turn to God with my concerns. not funny ha ha. earth from eric posted something along the lines of how i was thinking today. my son just turned 9 months this weekend and he looks so peaceful when he is sleeping (besides just plain ol' adorable!). why do we struggle with peace in our souls?
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - matt 6:31-34
hmmmm....maybe its cuz i don't always seek His kingdom and righteousness first.

Friday, November 25, 2005

fellowship of da brothers

ok, so we met on the 19th for some fellowship and for two brothers in particular who had been going back and forth via email about the Godhead to have a type of debate. it was supposed to be a format of one speaks for 15 mins, then 10 mins for rebuttals and the same for the next one to to present his view, then there would be rebuttals, then the host would speak after the "debate" and then we'd eat. everyone brought something to contribute to the meal.

we opened up in prayer and sang a few songs which was a good thing to do. but there were some problems. one problem was that we got a late start. another was that the host had his kids there and at times there were interruptions and he'd have to leave the room from time to time. and although he tried he couldn't pay full attention and had a hard time keeping the first speaker to his time limit.
the first guy presented his view and he went for 40 mins!! he doesn't agree with the view of referring to the Godhead as the Trinity. the next bro came up and presented his view and he kept within the time limit. but he and the first speaker were kind of having a dialog during his presentation so that was another problem.

honeslty i don't believe the first speaker came with a heart that was willing to listen to what someone else had to say. if you had an opposing view, or questioned something he had said, he didn't take the time to listen to what you were saying. and went right to trying to show you were you were wrong in your belief. there was a brother there who wasn't a part of the email group and had met us all for the first time. he let the first speaker know that as an observer he felt that the he (the first speaker) was strong in his conviction and that was fine. but he also noticed that he didn't give others the opportunity to fully express themselves before interrupting them and/or telling them they were wrong. to me that was the best thing to come out of it. i sent this brother an email explaining that i felt that his approach to what others believed was not humble and at times it was sarcastic and condescending. he didn't see it and asked for examples. i sent him examples, direct quotes, and we were supposed to talk about it, but time was an issue.

anyway i thought there was gonna be alot more use of the scriptures to back up their beliefs. i especially thought the second speaker would come a little stronger. he only presented 2-3 verses as a part of his argument which suprised me. i even came prepared with a little outline of my own, just in case i had the opportunity, and i had a lot more scripture than what was presented. we also had to eat cuz we were hungry. it was the first of hopefully many more to come. the host said he'd like to have something about twice a month. the format will be different i'm sure. i believe he'd like to have more of a bible study group going and have our wives there also and possibly do some couples type studies. it was good to get together and fellowship so who knows what the future holds. but hopefully this is the end of that debate!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

new site added

just added contemplative thoughts to the list of reads. from what i've read we share a love for hip hop and christian rap or holy hip hop. also, i just like what i've read so far. i still need to talk about the gathering of brothers. we did have it on the 19th and it went ok. it was good to get together, but it wasn't what i thought it might have been. i'll go into more detail on the next post. i didn't have any preconceived notions due to the format of how things were "supposed" to go, (there was a flyer put together and errythang) but i had imagined how it could go due to the people that were gonna be there. anyway, i'll post more when i have more time. peace out.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

we could have some buildin' goin' on!

the brothers are getting together for some fellowship in a couple of weeks! i'm actually very excited about it. one of the guys proposed meeting at his home. he thinks the same thing i do. he thinks a few of the guys have been saying the same thing, just expressing it differently. believe it or not the topic of the Godhead has still been a hot topic so he thought everyone could get together, eat, and talk about what they believe and just fellowship. i've been wanting to have some kind of get together, some kind of a fellowship. hopefully it'll work out good and turn into a regular thing. hopefully we'll be able to move beyond this topic also! i am pretty excited about it. the way i met these guys just feels like God meant for it to happen. i mean i actually heard one of the guys on a call-in radio show a few weeks before i met him for the first time!! i was on the train and was introduced to him and he just happened to be talking about the show and i put two and two together and lo and behold it was him that i heard, and he had a question about something i was wondering about too!! LOL! what are the chances?!?! this is a national radio show and someone who lives a few towns over calls in, i hear him, then meet him a few weeks later!??! crazy! so anyway, i'm looking forward to the get together.