Friday, October 14, 2005

let's build

the guys were at it again...

i mentioned some guys that i know who have an email group where God/the bible is discussed. its become more and more obvious that there are some varying beliefs among these brothers. anyway the topic of the Godhead has been the most recent thing they've discussed and it's been mostly between two brothers but the whole email group was included on the emails. well it started to get a little heated cuz they were not in agreement on each other's view. the emails were paragraphs long and it was alot of going back and forth. now one of the brothers made the mistake of calling me and others out. he basically said that he was surprised he didn't hear any input from me to refute something that the other brother said and that i "knew better". wrong move dude. i've never even discussed the subject with him so he doesn't know where i stand. i sent a response, but i didn't even touch the subject, here is what i sent:

greetings brothers,

i chose not to get involved in this discussion because i'd rather have
fellowship. i'd prefer not to debate. i'm seeing more and more debate and disagreement than fellowship. and like john said its somewhat troubling. i still don't feel like that is what the Word was given to us for. these are some very
lengthy emails and they seem to be going in circles. at times it seems more like
this is turning into "i'm going to prove i'm right". let me ask you some
questions. if two brothers disagree on their view of scripture does that mean
one's saved and the other isn't? does that mean that one loves the Lord and
the other doesn't? does that mean that one's interpretation is right and the
other's interpretation is wrong?? who among us can judge???

this is what i believe: i believe we should pray for each other. i believe
we should pray that our hearts are opened to His Word and to Him and that He
continues to work in each other lives and that He reveals His truth to us.

I Corinthian 13 8-12

8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where
there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass
away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection
comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I
thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put
childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then
we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully,
even as I am fully known.

i've talked to one of the guys who was in this debate since sending the response and let him know that i'm thinking about asking to be removed from the email list. i wanna be a part of something where we're building each other up, not where people are puffing themselves up cuz of their biblical knowledge and/or debating about their interpretation of scripture and humility is lacking. i will be calling the other brother today since i see that he's tried to call me once. i was on the cape so i didn't get the call. hopefully he doesn't take what i sent as a personal attack on him or as an endorsement of the other brother. but for one, he shouldn't have called me out and secondly when you do something like that you should be careful about the words you use. can't we all just get along??

its tough enough to be a Godly man and to stay on the narrow road. and as a body of believers we should be lifting each other up and supporting each other thru the struggle.
i've got some chores to do. i'll give the brother a call and post on how the convo went later.