Friday, August 18, 2006

holy culture

i've been reading alot lately on the holy culture radio forum"build" message board and's been kinda, ummm, i don't even know what to say without sounding harsh or judgemental. there's alot of theology that gets discussed on that board. even though it's called the "build board", it doesn't quite have that spirit. and i guess to get straight to the point, i don't care if you're right and you know without a doubt you're right, if you don't come at someone humbly with what you believe it's nothing but a "resounding gong" (1 Corinthians 13:1).

i guess that's a part of the human nature and i understand that when you're having a discussion online you can't hear the inflection of the other person or see they're face. but words themselves are powerful. words on a paper can start a war, know what i mean? so it should be well thought out before it's typed. and i feel that doing it in a "public" setting, ie, the message board instead of by private message doesn't help. things are probably worked out in a calmer way by private message, because you don't have other people interjecting their thoughts, or even changing the topic in the pm's. don't get me wrong, i really enjoy that site and i read that board in particular more than any other. i've learned a lot from reading that board and in some way i believe it's helping me in my walk. i read it enough to see the very distinct personalities of some of the members.

i'm a "lurker" but once in a great while i might stick my head in and say something. for now i'd rather observe. it's very interesting, it's educational, and i've learned alot from what members post. i don't know if this is how it is on all message boards, but there is alot of head butting that goes on and i wouldn't want to get caught up in it, and as an emotional being i know that it would happen. i don't mean that in the sense that i get easily excited, i just mean that as a human we let our emotions get the best of us more than we realize, even with the best intensions in mind.

right now my focus is on my relationship with the Lord. i feel He's really reaching out to me and i'm trying to respond and stay focused. and it's very hard for me to stay as consistent as i'd like. the site overall has definetly helped, it's been encouraging. encouraging to see that there are a people that i can relate to, who are younger than me and have such a zeal for God, and a thirst for knowlegde and love music. even though its a Christian hip-hop site, members have talked about other genres of music that they're into. so it's inspiring. there are plenty of times that i wanna join in and get to know a few members. but i'm a pretty quiet person, who in real life isn't the guy who announces that he's arrived at the party. i like to lay low and observe, you can learn alot about people when you do that. of course there's nothing like getting to know someone by talking to them and i love to do that too. but for now, and right now i think for me, it's best i just sit back in the cut and watch and learn and keep trying to grow.


Eddie said...

I used to visit that message board a lot too. Now, like you, I'm pretty much a lurker. It used to be a fairly tight knit online community but over time things grew to what they are now I guess because of HHH's growing popularity. I've seen some of the tamest discussions on there turn into arguments over trivial doctrinal issues. I agree though that it's still overall a pretty cool site.

Anonymous said...

I am becoming a lurker. I have been thinking about it a lot. It's started to grieve me, and I don't want to be a part of the dissension. I feel you and I feel Eddie. :(

Unknown said...

I'm sorry yall feel that way. There is no such thing as a perfect forum. We strive to be a place where kats can have fruitful discussion, but fact of the matter is, the forum really is nothing more than a reflection of the church in general. Sad to say... but the Church, while filled with many spirit filled believers, is also filled with some scummers.... works in progress i think accurately describes the kats on our forum.

uncommon1 said...

victor, i hope you noticed that the comments were posted back in 2006. i believe this was the time when alot of calvinism vs. arminianism discussions were going on and at times things would get pretty ugly. please don't get it twisted. i love your forum and it's the only one i read on a daily basis, several times a day. i'm a very quiet person by nature so my posting or getting involved in convos would be a rare thing anyway. i also hope you took note of all the positive things i said about your site and how it's helped me in own personal growth.