Thursday, September 07, 2006

new music on the radio blog

Finally!! i've been slacking with this blog as a whole, but the radioblog hasn't had anything new for a hot minute! Some music from Smokie Norful, who i just discovered. well, i've seen his album cover a while back but i was too immersed in my discovery of hhh at the time, lol. then a friend let me listen to his cd and i love what i hear. so technically i didn't discover him, but i digress. hehe. umm, there's a new song from this cat named BDill, check him out on his myspace page. then there's a song from the 116 Clique, one of my fav praise songs. i can't wait to get lecrea's latest, "after the music stops"!! i've heard snippets and i think this will be a cd that will be on heavy rotation once i get it. i love that song "jesus musik". i haven't mentioned it yet, i don't think i have anyway, but i've met some christians here at work and we've been building and we share a love for music. one of my friends loves gospel music and has turned me on to a few artists, Smokie being one of them, so i'm even closer to expanding my musical horizons and changing my music collection. i'm still sooo behind, still haven't picked up the solus christus project by shaii linne, and the great awakening by timothy brindle and why hiphop 2k6. and now cross movement has chronicles greatest hits vol.1 out, and i still haven't gotten metamorphasis by j.r. after hearing some tedashi i think i could possibly like his cd kingdom people too, and Trip Lee's project if they only knew, i like his flow. hmmm...let's see...then there's r-swifts' album, revolutionary theme musik, and stephen the levite's new solo joint, to die is gain, which i have a feeling will have some meaty stuff on it. oohh, there's more but right now, those are on the top of my list. then i'll have to pick up some gospel cd's...i'll list those another time.


Eddie said...

I'll have to check out BDill. I've got most of the music you mentioned already.

"Saved By Grace" with Shai Linne and Timothy B. on the Solus Christus album is one of my all time favorite HHH songs.

I haven't heard much of R. Swift's new one or Steven the Levite but I'll have to check em out. BTW, did you know that Steven the Levite and Timothy Brindle are brothers?

uncommon1 said...

i thought it was believin stephen and tim brindle that were brothers. steven the levite is a black dude right?

Eddie said...

Uhmmm.... I'm not sure. I always thought Stephen the Levite and Believen Stephen were one in the same. Either way, I know one of them is Timothy's brother.

Anonymous said...

my name is stephen and timothy is my brother. stephen is my government name.

stephen the levite was born in California and his real name is Darrell Bell. said...

WOW.. I never even heard of Believen Stephen before now, but glad for the clarification.

Don't have 2 many CDs, but I just got Stephen the Levite's and "meaty" is defintiely one description... His CD is like a Bible study that sends you digging for truth, even in the middle of listening to a song. It's proven to be a good investment...

Just discovered your blog but be encouraged bro!

uncommon1 said...

robyn, thanks for stopping by. i haven't been keeping up with the blog due to a pretty hectic life. i've also been going through alot and have failed some tests. thanks for the encouragment and remember this brother in your prayers