Friday, July 29, 2005


a friend of mine had a "guy's night" a week ago at his home. there were about six of us and we just ate and hung out and it was cool. i got the feeling and know now that we all had different beliefs. the age group was varied too. after eating we watched a tv show and played a couple of video games. during that time my friend was showing me a book called "The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer" that he is reading right now. we were talking about different aspects of the book and at some point creation came up. one of the guys who goes to our church, and i'm probably assuming here, but i'm pretty confident in my assumtion, is a christian said that he wasn't sure that he believed in the creation story in Genesis. he said that he didn't think he could believe that we were created from the earth/dust. i was pretty surprised to hear that. my thinking is that if you're a believer and you believe that Christ died on the cross for our sins and arose three days later, how could you not believe in the creation according to Genesis? isn't the bible whole truth? if one doesn't believe in one part of it then how can one believe in any of it? what about the virgin birth? the parting of the red sea? the miracles Jesus performed? johah and the whale? how about lazarus? the story of sampson? david and goliath? if all those accounts are true in the bible then how could the creation account not be? if you believe in God's Word as truth, wouldn't it all be true?

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