"So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members." - Romans 7:21-23
i'm a Christian who struggles with sin. i personally don't hear too many Christians come right out and say that. i don't see it on too many blogs, not that i've read tons of them, but haven't seen it too much. are there Christians who struggle with sin and know it? who can admit it outloud? i can. i have days that go well and i'm walking with the Lord and trying to live like He wants and want nothing more. then i'll have those days where the inner man wants to do his own thing, and i play "dictator" insteading of playin "host". that is very frustrating. and the thing is, temptation is always right there whispering in my ear. the days of playing "dictator" are less and less, but it's still frustrating. i don't feel as guilt ridden as i used to cuz i know i'm forgiven and i dunno if thats always good. well, i think in my case it probably is, cuz alot of times the guilt is what would help keep me from coming forward and admitting i've sinned. and before you know it, i'm living in sin instead of running from it. weird how guilt works that way. but God had an answer for that, 1 John1:9, and Romans 3:11 reminds me that there is no one perfect. Romans 3:21-25 help me to persevere because i do believe.
i will say this too, since i've been really making an earnest attempt to live a godly life, a spirit filled life, the things that do not fall in line with that have less of an appeal and don't seem to have the same grip as before. i'm starting to have a better understanding of freedom in Christ, but it is a daily struggle. and the main thing is making that true attempt to know God and earnestly seek Him. it sounds like a cookie cutter answer but i do believe that when one does really seek Him through His word, He changes you. His word speaks to your heart.
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