Monday, March 28, 2005

things that make you go hmmmm...

i have tons on mind. tons!! alot of it has alot to do with some of the stress that is going on in my life right now. it doesn't feel like it at the moment, but even up to this morning i didn't know how much more i could deal with and was very frustrated with how things are going. but later for the details on those things.
something that made me go hmmm yesterday was...why do churches fill up on Easter? i can kinda understand Christmas, (well actually not really) but Easter?? Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. its not about the Easter bunny or anything like that. and i guess the reason i ask is why wait till Easter to go to church if you're a believer. or if you're a non believer, why would Easter draw you into a church? or why would it take Easter to get you to go to church if you're a "practicing" Christian who doesn't go to church regularly? i dunno if i'm wording this right but i just find it odd that so many people go to church on Easter. i know its more than getting a nice new dress or suit. and unlike Christmas, the Easter bunny is not like Santa Claus. the Easter bunny is not enough to cloud what Easter is really about. so people know why they're going to church and what they're going for. there isn't all the holiday hype like Christmas. and i guess it makes me go hmmmm because of the world we live in today. from what i see, God is being pushed out of everything and just not being taken as seriously as in the past. so to see church parking lots filled on Easter sunday, and especially considering what Easter represents, and the state of the world today, it makes me go hmmmmm.