Monday, September 18, 2006

me and the homeless

i have an issue with the homeless that i see pretty much daily during my commute to and from work. first let start off by saying i worked in a homeless shelter for 7yrs. it was a shelter for homeless, mentally ill substance abusers. so i am familiar with the community. most shelters make the clients leave the shelter for the day, usually there's some activities they can go to or other programs. my issue is i see the same homeless people just about everyday in the same spot with their cups out. and i don't know if it's cuz i've experienced that community of people up close or just something ugly inside me but i get kinda angry seeing them there every day. sorry if that sounds harsh. but i saw a dude out there who i've seen for about a year now with new sneakers on! i dunno, but i wonder what my response should be. it's not like i've got money to spare really. i really don't. but at the same time, as a christian how should my heart be responding? it just seems suspect to see them in the same spot every day with their cups out. when it's a game day more homeless come out and they find strategic places to sit. one guy on crutches stands and holds the door to the commuter rail station open with a cup in his other hand. c'mon now, talk about pulling on your heart strings.

Proverbs 21:13
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor,he too will cry out and not be answered.

Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses.

Proverbs 19:17
He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.

my concern is what are they using that money for? i don't want to contribute to any "habits". i don't wanna be one of many being exploited.

i do give though. i don't give as often as i see them, cuz that's every day but i do give and i'd like to be able to give more. or to take someone out to lunch or breakfast. get to know their story maybe. that would be a good thing to do. maybe some day i'll be that kind of person or i'll go with someone else who is. eh who knows. i do know i'd like to not feel such a tug of war when i see a homeless person, not feel so annoyed. i think the work i did in the homeless shelter also effects my thinking and when i remember that alot of them have some sort of mental illness, it's something else to consider. i also know it's by God's grace i'm not in that position and i hope to have a softer heart some day.


Eddie said...

I can definitely relate. I used to work in downtown Kansas City, MO where there was no shortage of homeless people. Oftentimes they would seemingly pick me out of a crowd because they figured that since I was black (like many of them were) that I would be more inclined to help them.

As a Christian I too have struggled with giving to them wondering where it was going. I've made it a rule to hardly ever give out money. Instead, when they ask for "spare change" my reply is "What do you need it for?" When they give me the same tired "I haven't eaten in two days" then I reply with "Well you don't need money. You need something to eat." If there's a store or eating establishment nearby I'll go get them something to eat. The look on their face is always interesting.

uncommon1 said...

that's a good idea and i've thought about doing that too, but i'd have to have the time to take them somewhere and the heart for it. i think my heart still needs some softening up in that area. for the most part i'm an introvert and that would be a very extrovert thing to do lol