Friday, October 06, 2006

so much to say....

and not enough time that's a (redeemed thought) song. sorry, been real busy at work and right now i don't have internet access at home. i had so many thoughts that i wanted to put down this week. thoughts on God's sovereignty and His purpose in our lives. ummm...our purpose as a whole, kinda like "why are we here?" questions, i guess that's what you call them. observations that i have about how we as Christians interact with one another. also some thoughts on my own inner turmoil. why my inner man resists God so much, but at the same time there's a burning desire to live for God (it's so tiring). but time has not allowed it. i'm considering taking a break from HCR and spending more time discovering God for myself. i've been doing alot of reading there and taking alot of what i observe in, trying to learn and grow. but there's alot to muddle through. so to my legion of readers (lololol) sorry i haven't posted in a minute. but i will leave you with this thought. have you ever asked yourself or thought to ask God:

what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him? - psalm 8:4

i've asked myself that question alot lately. especially in light of how corrupt we are. like my man phanatik says "i'm buggin how God ain't flamin up the oven yet". in a day and age when men are going into schools and killing little girls, and kids are going into school killing each other and sometimes anyone in their sight, and all the evil that is so prevelant in this world, what is it about us that God is mindful of us. mindful enough to send His Son to die for us??


Karuna said...

Dear Friend, So glad you visited, Hope you're all well. Last I remember was when your wife passed nursing in flying colours and then I guess, we all got busy.

Great to come back

God Bless

Karuna said...

Oh by the way the posts that most blessed me were from Ruth's life. you could check that out.I think that was in April 2006.

Take care