Wednesday, May 30, 2007


feeling very blah today. i have so much going on in my head, it's almost overwhelming. someone...actually a neighbor broke into our apt yesterday and we're pretty sure we know who and it makes me so angry cuz we have no proof, but we know by what was taken, and believe me, it was nothing of value and just made it more obvious who it was. my screen on the screen door is ruined and the back door is no longer secure. and this just adds to the stock pile of things on my mind. and the old me wants to rage and make subtle threats out loud. be cold to everyone in the apt tenament because of the one person (most of the other tenants are related)
i'm tired. mentally, physically, emotionally. i'm gaining unwanted weight and feeling almost powerless about it. that's it for now, gotta run. but i needed to vent.


Anonymous said...

that totally sucks. my in-laws had the same thing happen. don't quite know hot to interact with people afterwards.

uncommon1 said...

Exactly!! but by God's grace, i've been able to let it go, at least now, i just make sarcastic jokes about it. i ended up calmly confronting one "suspect" and was able to narrow it down to who i originally thougt it was. i think the air's been cleared, plus i can't hold on to anger, it eats you up takes energy that could be used for good stuff. and again i have to remind myself often, that i've been forgiven and need to be that way myself towards others.