Wednesday, July 25, 2007

an update

for anyone who may read this from time to time. things are going well. went on vacation about a week after my last post. we went to a family reunion and my wife's family got to meet our little man for the first time. it was a real good time and he did well for his first time taking a long trip by car. in other news, i've transitioned over to a "new" job. the company i was contracted out to absorbed some of us after ending the contract. i'm doing the same thing as before, just working for the company now, instead of being contracted out.

i had a difficult time getting back into work mode and back into reading my Bible. i went on vacation hoping to have lots of quiet time to spend with the Lord and it didn't work out that way. i could have made more of an effort, but i didn't and don't want to offer any excuses. and so it just went downhill from there. i'm just now getting back into doing my morning devotions, praying and having the correct mindset. it had been bothering me that i wasn't doing any of that stuff, but i wouldn't do anything about it. but i noticed that i was getting back to being the old me. the fuse on my temper was shorter, i was becoming more and more withdrawn and i could just feel a disconnect between me and God. so after a few weeks of not really seeking Him out, i did a morning devotion and of course it spoke to what i was going through, and the one thing i took from it was that was 1.) there is no hiding from God (i was trying to avoid Him) and 2.) fellowhip with God is just a prayer away. hopefully there was some growth during that time, or a lesson learned from not spending time talking to the Lord on the regular. actually i know that i learned that i need Him just to maintain. it's amazing how much one's personality can change in just a few days of now fellowshiping with Him.
i don't know if i've mentioned it before, but i've made plans with my pastor to start doing a Bible Study with him. not sure yet if it'll be a specific book, but i know i'll have alot of questions for him before we even get to studying. i also know i want to get real deep with it, studying the greek and hebrew, times, places and the culture of the people during that time. all to get a better understanding of the context of scripture and what is really being said. my hope is it will bring me into a closer walk and more consistent devotion. so pray for me. that's it for now, i have some other news but i'll hold off on that for awhile. hopefully i'll get back to being more consistent with blogging. part of the reason that i know i'm not consistent was because i was hoping to have more interaction with others through my blog, but it hasn't happened. at times i'm tempted to make this a private blog, but i'll hold off for now. that's all for now.

1 comment:

Karuna said...

"Fellowship with God is just a prayer away." That is really nice. Do share your thoughts from your Bible study with your pastor, all Hebrew, Greek and stuff with us I'm sure it'll be a blessing.

God Bless.