Thursday, February 09, 2006

experiencing freedom

i started doing an online bible study on Galations from Back to the Bible. i'd like my 1-2 readers to pray that i stay with it.

"This study, which covers the entire book of Galatians, will help you see the bondage of man's sinful nature and explain the freedom provided by Christ Jesus—a freedom that will satisfy, when nothing else does. It is an in-depth exploration of the freedom we as believers experience daily and how the conflicts of the church in Galatia can instruct us to live in the freedom of Christ."

The six lessons include:

The Power of Grace
Freedom from Traditions
The Preeminence of the Promise
Children of the Promise
Liberty in Christ
Limits of Freedom

i've been wanting to do some kind of bible study for a while now. i can do this one during my lunch. i printed it out since it has exams at the end of each lessaon. I completed lesson 1 today and i'd like to complete the whole thing. right now the plan is to do them during my lunch. my hope is that by reading on the freedom we have in Christ, i can learn how to live in that freedom. i want to live a life that is pleasing to Him and experience His freedom. i don't know what else to say on the topic, just that i wanna stay in the Word and keep learning of Him.

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