Friday, August 26, 2005

my little man


this is my chubbawubba!! i never thought i'd post a pic of my kid on the 'net but man....i'm in love with this kid. i can look at pics of him all day and can't help but be proud!! we've been married for 12 yrs and this our first, so you could understand if i was thinking we weren't gonna have children. sometimes i still can't believe i have a child!!! i got to hold him right after he was born for a good half hour, even before mom!! what a blessing!! and i'm proud to say that this daddy has been doin it all from day one. changing diapers, feeding, helping give baths, takin work off to go for support when he got his shots, getting up in the middle of night to help out. i don't regret it. i've never been so tired in my life lol, but its' all love. don't get me wrong, i've been very frustrated at times and the crying would drive me insane at times, but i love him. he's alot of fun and has a face full of expressions. we think we have a character on our hands (and with mom and dad's personalities?!? we've got a little comedian) and man is this kid gonna be active!! he was constantly on the move in the womb and is still kickin those feet today!! he'll be six months tomorrow! its hard to believe that we just had him. thats what it feels like. he was so small when he was born and he's just blown up! i call him chubbycheeks or chubbawubba and that gets a big smile from him!!! anyway, i was feeling like i needed to put some kinda picture up, i love photos, and thought these would be good to put up today.

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