Monday, January 30, 2006

sunday morning scare

so the b-day was pretty quiet. just me and my son hanging out, watchin tv, and sleeping. the next morning on the other hand was a little more eventful than i would have liked. i woke up the next morning and saw that my wife hadn't gotten home from work yet and knew that traffic on a sunday morning is light so she shoulda been home. i waited a few more minutes and checked the vm and found that she left me a message letting me know that she worked her first shift, but spent the rest of the night in the emergency room. she's diabetic and started not feeling so hot around 12 am and sure enough her blood surgar was high. the doc asked her what was going on and after she told me about some of the things she was dealing with, he told her that her blood surgar was high due to stress. so i called the emergency room to talk to her and they were no help. even after telling them she works as a nurse's aid there, they didn't know what was going on. fortunately she called right after i hung up and told me she was leaving and would be home soon.

i went back to bed and dozed off for a few and i look at the clock and see that she's not home when she should be, it should take her about a half hour to get home. now it's getting to be 40 minutes, then 50 minutes and i'm getting really concerned, especially since she hasn't called again. we've been having some car problems so i was hoping that it was a problem with the car, not her diabetes. i brought my son downstairs to feed him and she's still not home and now my mind is racing and i'm fearing the worst.

i think i planted the seed by thinking about how my mother passed away two days before my 18th birthday and hoping that something like that isn't about to happen the day after my birthday this year. by now i'm scared to call the hospital to see what's going on but it's been over an hour and she would've been coming right home, so the conern level is high. i prayed that everything was ok, but i know the reality of life and death. when my mother passed away, it was a shock. she had asthma and had been to the hospital before but she always came home. when they took her that day, i prayed and thought for sure she'd be home. she always recovered. but i believe she passed away in our home. she was going to work and came back home having trouble with her breathing, and she passed out on the floor and wasn't responsive. they emt's tried to bring her back, they did mouth to mouth and even used the paddles, but she didn't respond. my sister and my brother were home and we still hoped but by the time we got to the hospital, which was only about 5-10 mins later she was gone. so i know now that some things are meant to be, no matter what the prayer.

my wife did make it home, she ran over a pothole the night before with the donut we have on the car and that was the end of that donut. she didn't know that the tire was leaking air till the next morning and she drove on it until she realized what was going on. we didn't have another spare and she didn't have a cell phone. she was able to get the manager from a dunkin donuts that she pulled into to call a tow truck and got towed home. she came in right as i decided i had to get up and call the hospital. thankfully that prayer was answered.

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