Tuesday, October 23, 2007

joy joy joy deep in my heart...deep in my heart

"Joy comes from the Lord who lives in us, not from what’s happening around us"
That's a quote from my devotion this morning. i have a inner joy going on today. and i know its from having a closer walk with God. even if it's just in this moment or today, it's there. i'm very happy to be doing the Rendezvous series and have been looking forward to spending that quiet time with the Lord in the mornings. there has definetly been more of an inner peace with me lately. God is good, and i thank Him for his mercies, cuz they're new every morning!! it's just a relief to not feel like i was awhile back, stuck in the muck and mire of sin. the workbook for the Rendezvous series has been pretty challenging for me with some of the questions it asks, and it causes you to really examine your relationship with Christ. i've been doing the reading from the book, the study guide and my own personal devotions in the mornings seperate from the book. i hope to grow from this and to encourage others if i can.

people say that God is there...actually God says He's there, even in the small stuff. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. - (Matthew 10:29)

sometimes when i'm listening to my mp3 player, and this morning was an example, it's like God has a special playlist ready for me to listen to. my player has over 2200 tracks on it and 95% of it is christian music, and i usually have it playing on "shuffle all", so i never know what's next. but man, i'm telling you, sometimes the order of songs are either songs that i love or sometimes, they're songs that one after another touch on something i'm going through or have a message i needed to hear that day or right at that moment. this morning on the way in was one of those morning. i was just feeling like praising God for this inner peace i had because of my confidence in His faithfullness and patience. and the songs, one after the other were praise themed songs, and they just went with what i was thinking and feeling. it's happened often enough that i wonder if He's that involved in even the smallest details of our lives. i've mentioned it before where the same thing happens with the devotionals i'd read for the day, and the thing is i read two different ones from two different sites. gotta wonder. at any rate i thank Him for leading me to find good christian music, that helps me to keep my mind stayed on Him.


Karuna said...

Our Loving Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need more than we know what we want...you're so blessed to be able to spend so much time with the Word of God...I've recently been so busy with my little blessings(well I know thats part of my duty too...) but then waiting to get my quiet time going on in full swing again..
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by.
I just love it when God speaks to us like this.
Just gave me an idea for a new post---thanks---have a good week in the Lord.

uncommon1 said...

godzheart: yes i am blessed!! sometimes i don't take advantage of the time i have available. i can't explain it, but more and more i don't feel right when i don't spend ANY time with Him. prayer or reading His Word or reading about Him. especially reading His Word via devotion time. i hope to learn how to study His Word on a deeper level, you know...finding the original greek or hebrew meaning behind words and what it was originally meant to convey and how it is still relevant to me (us) today.