Monday, October 08, 2007

recent newz

so we had our echocardiogram and everything looked good. the only thing left will be ultra-sounds. so hopefully we'll enjoy the journey a little more with some of that stuff behind us.

our first little man has been driving us crazy!! it's comical when i think of it. probably the typical two and a half year old behavior. but man, he's testing every ounce of patience i meanwhile, the wife is nesting and i'm caught up in the whirlwind. which i like, cuz i like having the place in order and right now it's getting straightened up. it's becoming more and more of a reality, especially with her showing earlier this pregnancy. very excitiing....i'm just rambling..i'm sorry.

i feel blessed, despite the struggle. and at times, it's more apparent to see how some can compare our realtionship with God to a romance. the way He persues us. sometimes it's hard to see it that way. at least it is for me. then it comes to me in a subtle way. truths about His character. things i've read in His word and then i realize that it's a truth in my life. very hard to explain. well, mr. "it's my world" is up from his nap and it would be futile to try and do any blogging with his expanding world envading mine. so till next time.



Anonymous said...

Glad all is looking good for the both of you.
I am sure your wife will be getting pretty tired too. With working and etc. And having the little life inside taking energy from her.
Two year olds are just so full of it.Even though they test you, just take a good look at them when they are sleeping, you can't help but love them more.
By the way I was looking at my site meter, and just for info---thought I would let you know---
I was born and raise in Holyoke/Springfield area.

uncommon1 said...

yeah, my wife is getting more and more tired and it's taking more effort to do things. i think my son is so beautiful when he's sleeping and i get blown away that he's my child just about every time.