Wednesday, October 10, 2007

talking with friends about God

have you ever tried talking to someone, a friend about God? especially when that friend doesn't attend church and doesn't consider themselves to be "religious"? i have a friend who i ride the commuter rail to work with just about every morning and we had our first "religious" discussion. i think it went very well.

we were having a convesation about how sedentary kids are today and how much we walked when we were growing up. i brought up walking everywhere and church was one of the places i walked to often. somehow the conversation turned to her not going to church very often and not considering herself to be very religious. i told her how i didn't consider myself to be religious and that i felt that word wasn't an accurate description of a believer. i said it much differently of course. i think i gave a general description of the difference between being "religious" and how being a believer is less about you and more about God. your view of life is based more on living a lifestyle that is pleasing to God. how you treat others, your own personal behavior, living a lifestyle that is obedient to God. don't know if i used the word obedient, but she got the idea of what i was saying. and it was received well. we also got into why some people view Catholics as not being Christian. i mostly touched on confession and how for Christians, Christ removed the need for a priest and is our bridge to God. i also talked about the sacrificial system of the Jews in the OT and how Christ was the ultimate sacrifice and became our mediator.

i kept it pretty general i think, but gave enough detail to possibly open her mind a little more than it is. prior to the conversation getting deeper she had mentioned wanting to eventually go back to church. so there was opportunity and it wasn't the first time that church came up, but the first time we talked at length. i'm glad that it wasn't an uncomfortable convo between friends. when i think about it, alot of topics came up and i think she came away with a better understanding of some things.

we kinda moved on from there but it went very well and i'm hoping that some things piqued her interest or changed her view a little on church. the term "organized religion" came up and i explained that it really should be more of a community of people who believe the same thing and are coming together to support each other. in essences that what church is. i think when people use the term "organized religion", their feelings are that it's almost cult-like and people involved in organized religion aren't thinking on their own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you did a very good job. Letting her know that it is a relationship with the Lord and not religion per say.
You have planted the seed, now whether it is in God's plan for you to be the water person or someone else, we will see.
Once again good job.