Tuesday, March 28, 2006

real talk

there's a song on my little radioblog to the right called fragile leaves. the hook from the song says:

"leaves fall, we know the autumn well,(so let the wind blow) we all try showing all is well, (so let the wind blow) life's not as solid as it seems, (so let the wind blow) its as fragile as the dried up autumn leaves (so let the wind blow)".

that is so true. i think people in general try to always put on a good face when internally there is some kind of struggle going on. i think christians do this alot. that's been my experience in talking to others, and on blogs i've read and other sites i've visited, i've rarely seen or heard "real talk". meaning it seems like they have it together and don't stumble in their walk, mabe they do have it all locked up. its not often that you see someone come right out and say, "i'm strugglin" or admit "this christian life is tough for me". well i'm here to say i struggle. i struggle with obedience, with staying on the narrow road. i often find myself riding the fence. i feel like i live romans 7: 14-21, it is very frustrating. but i do try to persevere.

the last stanza of that song goes:

"those of y'all that think i have it all together, evidently don't really know mr. metah, so letta fella tell you 'bout himself for a second. check for the message's relevant elements.

well, i've been a sinner since the beginning and ever since and in every sense of the word peddlin for return to lay bare flaws, (couldn't catch the next line) develop and learn, i don't wanna cover up the lawn with fall leaves of lies
tryin to disguise the life i lead behind closed blinds, i'd rather keep the lines of communication floatin'

with hopes of my people holdin' their eyes open to scope at the fragile arrangement of actions taken cuz i still have bad days were i accidently swerved off the path of greatness and need accountability to face it.

hopefully i'll come across more people who engage in "real talk". cuz it's needed, sometimes as a christian you feel all alone in the struggle, even when you're surrounded by other christians.

1 comment:

Karuna said...

Now thats something to think about. God bless.